Sliding Tiles Blanket

When I first started learning how to use natural dyes, I split about three recycled sweaters’ worth of yarn into 20g skeins so that I could dunk them into whatever dyes I wanted to experiment with. After about a year or so of that, I figured I had to do something with all those sample skeins and started this #slidingtilesblanket by @canadutch -inspired quilt. The amounts of yarn I was dealing with were too small to follow the pattern, so I came up with my own pattern for a square that was the right size to allow two squares per 20g.

It languished in my knitting basket for a good year and a half before I decided I needed to free the cable and needles I was knitting with (I have to admit that knitting 154 squares got pretty boring). Stitching 154 squares together was also pretty boring but I have to say they look pretty cool and it is the warmest woolliest blanket I have ever owned.